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Quantitative Energy Scans


In my personal quest, I discovered a remarkable way to evaluate my physical, emotional and energetic health in real time and quantitative form. A Bio-Photonic camera provided new insight and offered me a way to monitor subtle and effective changes in my health and aided in my full recovery from major cognitive, respiratory and digestive issues.  I was so enthralled with this very progressive health care technology, I became certified as a Biofield Analyst and look forward to sharing my findings with you. 


The Science of Measuring Human Wellness

Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D. served a five year residency in Neurosurgery at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital, he has also earned a Ph.D. in Psychology and his Doctor of Science degree.  Dr. Shealy is also the the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association and it is his prediction based on striking clinical and emerging scientific findings that:


                                                                               "Energy medicine is the future of medicine."


Dr. Shealy concludes, "Energy medicine is based on the supposition that illness results from disturbances in the body’s energies and energy fields and can be addressed via interventions into those energies and energy fields."


Chi energy permeates everything in the Universe, it animates matter infusing it with life. Our biofield as it's known in the West, is the flow of energy around and through the body forming our cohesive functioning, it fuels our vital organs and glands and it's the source of our vitality.  There has been a quantum leap in understanding the human energy field revealing significant dynamics associated with measuring our life force energy.


A remarkable new invention; the electro-photonic camera was created by the distinguished scientist; Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

combines the latest scientific discoveries with the knowledge of ancient wisdoms and current innovation in informational technologies.


Thrive with Qigong is introducing his non-intrusive way to measure an individual’s biofield, in real time and in quantitative formproviding a wealth of useful information regarding the total state of a persons well-being, (please refer to our Benefits & Charts tab), compiled in a report with interpretation. This technology has been verified by 18 years of clinical experience from hundreds of medical doctors with many thousands of patients.

Intended to provide insight to qualified healthcare professionals with full knowledge of patient history and concerns, this comprehensive tool assists in their design of an appropriate healthcare program and to monitor patient progress.  This science makes it possible to analyze the energy state of a person and his/her autonomic status, i.e. to assess the condition of the body based upon the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.


For the non-professional; please consult a trusted health care professional if you have health care issues. 


The electro-photonic camera is not currently certified in the United States as a method of medical diagnosis of specific diseases.

Research with the electro-photonic camera is continually being used at universities and research institutes worldwide, in medicine, “energy medicine”, athletic training, biophysics and other disciplines.

My Advanced Level II Certification Workshop was hosted by The Institute of Frontier Sciences, in the San Francisco Bay area.



"By measuring various aspects of the biofield, we may be able to recognize organ and tissue dysfunctions

even in advance of diseases and symptoms.  We may also be able to use the biofield measurements to predict 
whether the effect of a particular course of therapy will be effective or ineffective,
depending on whether it improves or thwarts the biofield."

Beverly Rubik PhD

     This remarkable achievement combines: 


  • Advancements in Electro Photonic Imaging

  • Traditional Hindu Medicine / Ayurvedia

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Western Development of Informational Systems

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Eastern principles of Ayurvedic medicine (the science of life), 

a 5000 year old system of traditional Hindu medicine, discovered
our energetic body which is comprised of seven "chakras" or known
energy centers, where energy, matter and consciousness meet.

Key concepts include universal interconnectedness among people,
their health, the Universe, the body's constitution and life forces.
Ayurveda reminds us that health is balanced and dynamic integration

between our environment, body, mind, emotional control as well as
our spiritual well-being. 

The energy centers of each chakra are embedded into the spinal column at various locations starting at the coccyx and rising above
the crown of the head.  Each chakra resonates at a different frequency
level, attracting like frequencies.

It is now possible to quantitatively measure the energy, size and balance of a persons chakras and graphically display their level of activation, indicating areas that would provide a greater benefit from a more balanced perspective.​  Detailed information about each chakra is included with our final report.

For thousands of years Acupressure and Acupuncture have been proven effective in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a way to remove blockages and restore the natural flow of energy, which nourish our vital organs and systems.

Chi energy circulates throughout the body along specific pathways called meridians.

By tapping into our meridians we are now able to recieve quantitative information of the energy, balance and health status of each vital organ and gland.

The combined knowledge of these ancient wisdoms along with our latest technologies, have opened a new world of possibilities in predictive medicine, insight into the state of our well-being and provide a quantitative analysis of the beneficial impact of products, therapies, training and rehabilitation.

“Wow, I am still in awe at my experience at your home office on Thursday.

I couldn’t sleep Thursday night because I was so excited about all the ways this can help people

and practitioners find out where the body needs work.
It has been fun and fascinating to see how all my areas of pain had the highest energy readings.
I am going to write about it on my website and add a link to you. I am also going to encourage all my patients get a scan 
so we can get a base line on whats weak and strong."

”Coreen Oberlander L.Ac. Owner-Touch of Light Acupuncture

Licensed by the California Acupuncture Board Certified in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture & Massage

Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine – AIMC Berkeley Certified Massage Therapist Certified Yoga Instructor

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