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Cultivating Chi

One of the best ways to cultivate, refine and circulate your life-force energy is practicing Qigong, visualization and Taoist meditation. Working directly with mind, breath and subtle energy, these proven methods have a positive effect on our biochemistry.

The human life force system automatically gathers Chi through our breath, a workout based on endurance, drinking fresh clean water, eating vital foods, especially raw organic fruits and vegetables, spending time in nature and practicing Qigong and meditation.  


Earth's magnetism and the sun, celestial influences of planets, stars and boundless space also have their effect. The moon's influence on the tides is just one example of the energy of the Universe. 


Supplementing our diet as needed with vitamins, herbs, getting plenty of rest and relaxation, learning something new, exercising our imagination and creativity, all play a vital role in our total well-being. 

By maintaining a basically healthy lifestyle, we allow our body’s natural Chi-gathering mechanisms to function at their optimal levels. The many sources of Chi are then transformed within the human body, defined primarily in terms of their varying functions.

Here are a few simple meditations to get you started; 

2 Minute Meditation;

A monk shared this powerful meditation (great for beginners)

Find something inspiring' (physical or an image) and contemplate its uniqueness for 2 minutes.

Take a break for one minute, get some water, stretch and repeat the 2 minute meditation two more times with a break in-between. 

Inner Smile practice; 

Visualize smile-energy penetrating to your core and revitalizing each of your internal organs individually.

Moon On Lake practice;

Visualize a lake upon whose surface is reflected a beautiful moon -- all within the space of our heart-center.


Holding Heaven In The Palm Of Your Hand;

With your palms turned upward, visualize the energy of the sun and moon and all the stars flowing into the palms of your hands and moving into the core of your energy, your lower dantian.

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As physicists have delved deeper and deeper into the fundamental nature of physical matter, they've found not solid particles, instead they found waves of energy.  


Recent scientific discoveries have led to new modalities offering insight into our energetic system, of particular importance are the advancements in electro-photonic imaging.   

Please enjoy our next tab; Energy Scans where you'll read about a remarkable camera offering quantitative assessment of our level of stress and the real time energy of each of our vital organs.  This offers a baseline to evaluate different treatments, so we can determine what is working for us and what is not.

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