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My spirit is consistently nourished by the beauty and grandeur of nature and the little things; like a simple gesture of good will or a smile, and through love, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and meditation.


Hi, I'm Rick Stoltz and I offer natural solutions to improve the total state of your well-being.

 In 2011 I was diagnosed with black mold poisoning which created cognitive, respiratory and digestive issues.  

After 7 months in bed, things got really bad.  Western medicine was not helping. A career change had become inevitable. 


During my extensive research on a personal level to recover from the poisoning, I began looking into Chinese medicine and learned how vital human energy flow is to our health.  I felt led in my research when I discovered a remarkable new technology from Russia, that records and evaluates human energy; (BioWell) and for the first time in history, in real-time and in quantitative form.  I couldn’t wait to get certified and soon afterwards my electro-photonic camera began offering me an immediate indication of what was making a difference in my health. 
(Please be sure and visit my tab; Energy Scans)

I quickly gained a great appreciation of the wonderful benefits of Qigong, which not only improved my issues but increased my energy, balance and over-all health.  If you haven't already, please see my page for other ways Medical Qigong can help you too.

I continued my quest to understand our bio-energy and the full potential of my new BioWell camera, through an Advanced Level ll class I attended, held at the

Institute of Frontier Sciences, just outside of Berkeley CA, hosted by Beverly Rubik, Founder and Director.


Years afterwards, I continue to find accurate correlations between what our clients know to be true in their medical history and the findings from our scans …but one of the  greatest benefits is the wealth of vital information that’s discovered for the first time, and the ability to detect energy deficiency, prior to physical symptoms occurring!

“If we can predict it, we can help prevent it!”

Thank you for visiting our website, I look forward to helping you achieve your optimal wellness.

Rick Stoltz

Certified Biofield Analyst

Certified Medical Qigong Instructor

Graduate from Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability - Taos, NM

Certified Medical Qigong Instructor from Vital Energy Arts - Nevada City, CA

530 575 8198

I’m blessed to live in beautiful San Antonio Del Mar, Mexico

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